As of September 30, 2024, the price of Dogecoin ($DOGE ) has seen some fluctuations. The price at 03:00 AM was $0.12700359241954, with a 24-hour trading volume of $897,005,114.6842, showing a decline of 2.81374333%. In addition, the price at 01:00 AM was $0.12647846265068, with a 24-hour trading volume of $920,718,450.85713, also showing a downward trend of -2.53880149%.

In terms of market sentiment, despite the decline in the price of Dogecoin, the market sentiment towards Dogecoin remains positive. Dogecoin is widely considered a speculative cryptocurrency, and its value is largely influenced by community support and social media hype.

In terms of technical analysis, the relative strength index (RSI) of Dogecoin is 87.84, indicating an overbought condition. Investors are advised to act with caution. In addition, the volatility of prices has increased and the market's upward momentum has weakened. It is recommended to wait and see, pay attention to changes in trading volume, and guard against risks.

In terms of investment decisions, investors should remain highly vigilant and cautious. They should not just listen to others' words, but should do their own research and make investment decisions based on their own funds and knowledge. The cryptocurrency market is cruel and unpredictable, so patience is key. Stick to your position. This bull market may have just begun.

Overall, the price of Dogecoin has fallen in the short term, but market sentiment remains optimistic. When considering buying, investors should pay close attention to market dynamics and technical analysis indicators, and consider their personal risk tolerance.