Japanese stocks fell slightly at the opening, but the big cake was not greatly affected. A small drop of 200 points is not respectful. At this position, I am still firmly optimistic about the short-term long position to 67,000, so I still entered the long position. I think the big cake has not yet fallen, and the bottom air force has not been eliminated. A lot of liquidation can be done around 67,000.

High leverage can be horizontal around 66,500. There should be a lot of people who shorted around 66,200 to 66,500 before. I admire their courage and courage, and congratulations on getting it. But there is no way, brothers, I am a long army today. $ETH

I will not change my long army exit until the second cake falls below 2570. I got up in the morning and entered the long position at 2250. Today I am much more cautious. The stop loss price is below 2600. No matter how he washes it, I have to go home after get off work to catch up on my sleep. I went to bed at the company at 2 o'clock last night. I woke up at 6 o'clock today. I could have slept until 7:30.

Although I entered the long position, if the profit exceeds 50 oil, I will run away if there is no movement. If it falls below 2610, I may panic, but I am still firmly bullish in the short term and my faith is not broken. If there is nothing special, the air force may be buried if it fluctuates upward in this sideways market.

A month ago, I thought that the 65,000 big cake would not be seen this year. When the big cake was still 70,000 in early June, many people were looking forward to a new high. The currency circle is a process of slapping faces. Although I didn't think it could break through the new high at that time, I never thought that the big cake starting with 4 could go all the way down. I still follow the principle of short-term eating and running. Since the pattern cannot be formed, then there is no pattern. After the upper liquidation is completed, I will prepare to change direction depending on the situation.

Beautiful women are still more beautiful. Making a few hundred dollars is the goal.