The original article was titled "Why Bot Empire X on Telegram MAY be a scam", but after publishing I received comments from people claiming that the project is now under the auspices of Ton Coin and is generally fine. I am glad that the situation has changed, and under these circumstances I admit that maybe I was wrong and the project is not a scam. However, I cannot yet state anything definitively about the project, as there are two different points of view on this issue.

Below I have compiled the reasons why I consider the project not the best among other bots in Telegram, but I leave the final opinion about the project to you.

Bot Empire X is a Telegram bot that lures users with the promise of easy money. However, there are several key facts that raise serious doubts about its legitimacy.

1. Unrealistic income promises
The bot promises users large sums of money for simple actions, such as completing tasks. These promises should be a warning sign, as high income in most legitimate projects requires significant effort and risk.

2. Minimum investment and hidden requirements
To get started, users are often asked to deposit 0.5 TON. This amount may seem low, but after depositing, there are often demands for additional investments to "unlock" features or activate "bonuses". Such schemes are often used by scammers to retain participants' funds.

3. The project has been verified by Ton Coin, which adds credibility to it. This means that the Ton Coin team has checked the project, and this can indicate its legitimacy. However, I recommend that you study all aspects of the project yourself before drawing conclusions.

Participants should be careful and avoid investing in such projects, as it may lead to loss of funds. Example cati, despite the fact that the project had integration with Ton Coin, it still deceived the main part of the community by not announcing the rules according to which donations decide everything. This created discontent among participants who expected an honest approach and transparency. A similar situation may happen with this project (my opinion:)

#Bot #ScamRiskWarning