Recently, Particle Network’s new chain abstraction product Universal Account began internal testing.

I have introduced Particle in many of my previous articles. It has raised 23 million in financing, with Binance investing in the latest round. Every product it launches is a pleasant surprise.

I participated in the Pionner testnet before. Every time they hold an event, it is very popular. But there are too many people. This internal test requires a verification code, so there must be fewer people. I asked for 3 internal test codes, one for myself to test, and the other two for the lottery. But I am not sure if there will be a luxury pork leg rice airdrop for the internal test, it all depends on fate. Lottery requirements:

1) Follow @riyuexiaochu @ParticleNtwrk

2) Retweet and comment on this tweet

Then let me share some of my opinions

Let me first introduce the concept of chain abstraction. Hearing the word abstraction may give people a headache. In fact, its original intention is just the opposite. It makes the chain simpler and helps users manage the chain in a unified way. Users don’t have to worry about it themselves, no matter whether it is V, E, S or M. It can achieve 1) Use any wallet or common social account to log in, without having to prepare private key and public key mnemonics 2) Pool funds on various chains

Chain abstraction is different from other purely narrative concepts. It actually has a huge user demand. Now is the era of numerous public chains. When operating on the chain, it is often necessary to cross chains. Often, the funds of one chain are not enough, so it is necessary to cross several chains. If you encounter a coin without gas fee, you have to go to the exchange to make a request. It is so annoying!!! So, when I tested the Universal Account of Particle Network, I felt that it was so smooth. I could directly use the funds of various chains in my wallet with one click, and I could use any token as gas fee, which perfectly solved the above problems.

You know, when the market is good, MeMe and Dapps on various chains will keep popping up. It doesn’t matter whether you make money or not, the important thing is to participate. When you are busy on various chains every day, Universal Account is really necessary. You may not be able to live without it after using it.

I think this chain abstract unified account is a better product than the cross-chain bridge, and it can completely replace the cross-chain bridge. Because cross-chain assets are not the purpose at all, the use of funds is the purpose. I don’t want to care about cross-chain tokens or cross-chains. Just like Ford said, "If I ask people what they want, they will say 'faster horses'. Until you show them the car. Similarly, users don’t really want to cross-chain, and we are not familiar with LayerZero at all. I just want to simply buy a MeMe and make a hundred times the money.

The convert function of Universal Account can convert the assets in the wallet into the specified token of the specified chain with one click. As shown in my screenshot, it can convert the ETH, USDC, and USDT of all chains in my wallet into USDC on arb. Then I can buy coins happily. And I personally speculate that it is only a beta version now. Later, this step can be saved and directly collected in dex transactions, one step at a time.

In a larger sense, chain abstraction is the necessary infrastructure for blockchain to move towards large-scale application. We know that the easier it is to understand a new thing and the closer it is to existing methods, the easier it is for the public to accept it. However, the current blockchain is just the opposite. The first step for newcomers is to have their own wallet. It is even more difficult to understand public keys, private keys, gas fees, and various public chains than advanced mathematics. This undoubtedly discourages many people. The function of chain abstraction can be used to log in with Xiaohu or social accounts, unifying the public chain. For newcomers, the threshold is lowered and the acceptance is greatly increased.

In the actual test, it feels very smooth and the product experience is very good. Of course, the public chains and tokens supported by the test version are limited, but I believe that it will soon support BTC series, Solana, and Move series.