$BNB Recently, Zhao Changpeng published his first long article after being released. This article is like a window, revealing his current state of mind, plans for the future and the values ​​he upholds, which has attracted widespread attention from all walks of life.

1. Re-understanding of Life

At the beginning of the long article, Zhao Changpeng sighed about the delicious food and the feeling of being able to enjoy multiple servings of fruit every day. It seems insignificant, but it is actually meaningful. This may be his true feelings after experiencing the stage of restricted freedom and the contrast between his life after regaining freedom. Behind the simple words, it is his cherishment of regaining freedom, and it also reflects his new understanding and gratitude for the elements of ordinary life.

2. Show your sincerity and humility

He frankly admitted that he did not know all the answers and said that he would relax and adjust before planning the next step. This sincere attitude shows his humility after going through twists and turns. He no longer presents himself as an all-knowing person, but faces the public and his future development with a more down-to-earth and real attitude.

3. A positive blueprint for the future

1. Business layout

• Education: The article mentioned that "Giggle Academy" is developing well and will occupy an important position in his life in the next few years. This shows that he has far-reaching plans and investment determination in education, which may mean that he will play a key role in the innovation of education models and the integration and optimization of educational resources.

• Investment direction: Zhao Changpeng emphasized that he will continue to invest in blockchain/decentralized technology, artificial intelligence and biotechnology. Importantly, he stated that he is a long-term investor who focuses on impact rather than pure returns. This concept reflects that when making investment decisions, he prefers to promote the long-term and sustainable development of these cutting-edge technologies and contribute to the construction of a healthy ecosystem for related industries, rather than just pursuing short-term economic benefits.

2. Charity and social responsibility

• He has made it clear that he will invest more time and money in charity (especially in the field of education). Although it is only a preliminary idea at present, this plan highlights his high attention to social responsibility after going through a special period. He hopes to give back to society through charitable activities, improve the living conditions of those in need, and especially play a positive role in solving social problems such as uneven educational resources.

4. Personal Growth and Development Plan

He revealed that he is writing a book and has completed about two-thirds of the work. Although he found that the workload of writing a book was far beyond his expectations during the creative process, he was still determined to finish the book. This book is expected to become an important medium for him to share his personal journey, unique insights, and in-depth thinking about the industry. It is full of infinite expectations for both supporters who follow his personal development and readers who are eager to learn more about the development dynamics of his industry.

5. An open-minded attitude towards past careers

The article mentioned that @binance was operating well without his intervention, which he considered to be the dream of every founder. This statement reflects his open-minded attitude towards Binance, which he founded. He believes that Binance can still develop steadily without his deep involvement, which undoubtedly also reflects his full trust in the partners and teams he has worked with.

This first long article written by Zhao Changpeng after he was released is like a bridge, allowing the outside world to get closer to his new state after going through the ups and downs, and his rethinking and planning in many aspects such as personal life perception, career planning, and social responsibility. At the same time, it also makes people from all walks of life full of new curiosity and expectations about his future development.

I hope this report meets your expectations. If you have any other suggestions for revisions or additional information, please feel free to let me know.

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