🚨Big news! ETH whale shakes the market! 🐋💥

Did the big guys smell the smell of a callback? Or are they "smartly" selling at high levels and waiting for a low point to absorb it back? 🧐

🔎 Latest updates:

⏰ Action time: 9 hours ago

🔄 Transfer amount: 2,990 ETH (worth about $7.97 million)

📍 Exchange: #Kraken

💸 Suspected operation: Sell!

And this is just the tip of the iceberg - in the past six days, this mysterious whale has transferred a total of 15,000 ETH to the exchange, with a total value of more than $39.33 million! 🔥 Today, all the ETH in this address has been sold, but he still holds 60,000 ETH in his hands, distributed in 4 different addresses.

💭 My opinion:

Sell signal? The market may be moving - when whales frequently transfer assets, it often means that price fluctuations are coming. 🐾 Panic or strategy? Some people may worry: Is it a prelude to a pullback? But it may also be just a short-term cash-out plan of the whale, and then buy at the right time! 🤔 Inspiration for ordinary investors: Don’t blindly follow the big players, their funds and strategies are different from ours! Instead of chasing ups and downs, it is better to observe the market sentiment first, watch more and do less!

⚠️ Reminder: No matter what the whale’s movements are, avoid emotional investment. The market is changing rapidly, and steady operation is the king!

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