Arguably the biggest mystery not just in cryptocurrency but in the entire financial market is Satoshi Nakamoto, the anonymous creator of Bitcoin.

No one knows his identity. He disappeared in 2011 and has not been heard from since.

What's wrong with him?

Did he leave Bitcoin because he lost interest? Or because he was worried about legal issues? Maybe he died, got arrested, or just felt Bitcoin was ready to take off on its own? The possibilities are endless.

The sad reality is that we may never know the full truth about Satoshi Nakamoto’s identity.

However, there is still one problem that has plagued the cryptocurrency market for more than a decade.


Why did Satoshi Nakamoto never touch his Bitcoin wallet?

This wallet was one of the first to mine Bitcoin, and he amassed millions of Bitcoins. This amount makes him one of the richest people on earth at the moment.

Many have speculated that Satoshi intentionally treated his Bitcoin wallet as burned currency. He destroyed the wallet keys in order to maintain the decentralization of Bitcoin. After all, the maximum supply of Bitcoin is 21 million. If Satoshi himself owns millions of BTC, then this would account for a large portion of the Bitcoin supply. The end result is that Satoshi could pose a huge threat to Bitcoin in the future if he decides to sell Bitcoin.

In fact, this is considered one of the biggest potential FUD threats that Bitcoin could face in the future.

Many claim that Satoshi’s abandonment of Bitcoin and never touching his coins again was arguably his most significant contribution to Bitcoin aside from its actual creation.

Other theorists believe that Satoshi was somehow accidentally locked out of the wallet. Lost the keys, the device, or both. Both theories about why Satoshi never touched the Bitcoin make sense. But I think everyone is wrong.

There’s a different and more important reason why he never touched that Bitcoin wallet.

He is publicly conducting Bitcoin’s biggest test yet.


The Ultimate Test of Bitcoin Security

Anyone can easily see how many Bitcoins are in Satoshi's wallet. BTC is a public ledger after all. Knowing that there are millions of Bitcoins in the wallet is equivalent to billions of dollars at the moment.

He invited hackers to do whatever it takes to crack his password and break into his wallet to gain control of his Bitcoin.

The largest pirate treasure in the history of the world is out there, waiting to be stolen. All they need to do is find a weakness in the Bitcoin blockchain to make it happen.

This will be the biggest test of Bitcoin and will determine its success in Satoshi’s mind.

As long as his wallet is safe, Bitcoin's future is bright and has unlimited potential. But if his wallet is hacked and Bitcoin is transferred or sold, it means that Bitcoin has a fatal weakness and is already a dead project.

There is one thing that is certain in this world. That is money. You can be sure that hackers have tried everything possible to crack Satoshi’s wallet but still failed. This is a true testament to how secure the Bitcoin network is.

What about you? Why do you think Satoshi never touched his Bitcoins?