This will be a psychological test for those who have cut before to wait for 4x to catch the bottom,#Altcoins👀🚀 Many stocks have increased by 30-50%, some have even x2 x3. It is very dangerous to rush into stocks that are x- because before that you have been watching and waiting for a good price to buy, there may be an adjustment after a few more days, you will have to wait to gain momentum to continue going up, making you lose direction.

I have said many times before that I believe that#Uptrendwill still exist but not immediately, it is a process, not in the next 1-2 months, there are always buying opportunities, never ending, so investors should not follow the crowd but have a specific plan.

The market has grown in the past few days after 5 months of only eating and decreasing and more than 1 month of sw for #Altcoin, this is the result of the interest rate cut. Most people expected the FED to lower interest rates, and when they cut beyond expectations by 0.5%, it triggered investor sentiment, optimism and confidence in the market in the future.

Before a major event, if it is good, it will make the market green, and vice versa. The decisions of the#FEDand the actions of central banks gradually permeate and directly affect the US economy, we need to wait to determine clearly.

The best short-term gauge will probably be in December, when companies report Q4 earnings and 2024 results. This is also the time when the US election results are out. I believe this is when the market will have a clear growth trend.

Right now it could be a mini wave for#Altcoins(I also said it in the live 2 weeks ago), to test liquidity, after half a year of Altcoin hibernation, welcoming new#TONsystem chickens, legitimizing the news of FED interest rate reduction, etc. So whoever decides to start BUYING now should have a long-term view, no matter how the market is (it can be bad in the short term), remember the reason for deciding to BUY, don't let the market decrease a little and be scared by the bookies and the majority.

Those who still hold the goods despite having their accounts split, needless to say, must have experience and faith in the uptrend, no matter how the price goes, they will still hold strong, right?

Ps: It's been 3 months, beginning of the month$BTC red then green at the end of the month and we are at the end of the month
#Write2Win #BinanceTurns7