Stories of ordinary people losing money

Stories that are beyond the scope of ordinary people's understanding are often easy to attract widespread attention because they touch people's emotions and resonance. Stories like "unlocking an iPhone that has been locked for 10 years" make people curious, nervous, and even look forward to a reversal of the ending. Even if the plot is finally revealed, people have been attracted by its emotional tension.

There is a phenomenon in communication: emotions often spread faster than facts.

Tens of millions of funds are definitely an abstract concept for ordinary people, but in the currency circle, everyone feels that tens of millions of funds are just a wave of market conditions.

For this kind of story, it is easy for the audience to imagine how they would deal with similar huge losses. This "amateur + huge impact" plot breaks people's expectations of normality and also inspires strong emotional resonance.

Negative emotions tend to spread more virally#HMSTR开盘 #美国8月核心PCE创4月以来新高 #美国二季度核心PCE符合预期 #你有多少HMSTR? #SEC主席重申比特币非证券