In 2020, DOGE will become the 100x coin, in 2021 it will be SHIB, in 2022 it will be Pepe, and in 2023 it will be BONK. As of this year, it is still unclear who will be the 100x coin, and everyone is speculating and looking for the next potential star.

If you want to find 100x coins, there are many key points to pay attention to.

1. Low market value is the key, which means that the project's circulating market value and total market value must be low, so that the project party cannot easily ship out and get rich overnight, and there is a broader upward space. Tracks with high valuation potential should not be underestimated, such as projects that are expected to reach a valuation of US$1 billion in a bull market.

2. A novel narrative is indispensable, that is, the project needs to solve the problem in a practical way, rather than being in an unpopular track. Early currencies are also an important consideration. When no one pays attention in the early stage, a hundred-fold dark horse coin is often born. The time when a currency is launched is usually at the end of a bull market or the beginning of a bear market. The wash-out period is usually between 6 and 12 months, and the circulation rate should be higher than 50%.

3. Low-priced coins are more attractive to novice investors, especially low-priced coins with many zeros after the decimal point.

4. In addition, 100x coins are more likely to appear in public chains and their head protocols. The background of the founder and whether there is support from well-known investment institutions are crucial. Of course, the basic principles of value investment must be followed, and projects that do not conform to the principles, such as stablecoins or deflationary tokens, should be avoided. It is not recommended to intervene in old coins unless there is a new and powerful narrative. The leading coins in the track deserve special attention.

The current market is very different from the past. In the past, due to the wealth-creating effect, 10x and 100x coins were common, attracting many newcomers to join the cryptocurrency circle. Even if some people lose money or even get liquidated, they still believe that there is a chance to turn things around, and feel that they are building the future and changing the world. However, the recent market has made many people lose confidence, and the cruelty of the market has been revealed. Therefore, it is increasingly difficult to capture the opportunity of 100x coins, but it is by no means impossible. The key is to choose the right project, do a good job of research, and patiently wait for the right opportunity.

Certain phenomena in the market also reflect this change. Some traders prefer to invest their funds in various junk coins, hoping to hit a coin that will increase tenfold or a hundredfold by chance, but this is actually more like buying a lottery ticket, with high risks. On the contrary, focusing on high-quality projects and clarifying their fundamentals and technical indicators is a more prudent choice.

Even so, MEME coins are still hot. Although some tokens soared briefly and then immediately returned to zero, there are still some lucky people who benefit from it. This kind of market is indeed full of opportunities, but the risks are also huge. The WLFI project launched by Trump's son has also attracted everyone's attention, but whether it is just taking advantage of the situation to cut leeks remains to be seen.

In general, the opportunity for 100x coins still exists, but it requires more wisdom and patience to discover and control it.

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