Friends, trading volume increased by 100% between July and September 2024, marking a before and after in the country's financial sector.

That's right, my friends, this happened in Bolivia, where in 2014 banks were restricted from making payments with these assets, slowing their adoption in the country. However, the situation changed in June of this year, when the BCB authorized financial institutions to operate with digital assets.

Another key factor in the increase in trading volume was the addition of six new financial institutions to the cryptocurrency market between July and August. These institutions received authorization to offer services for the purchase and sale of digital assets, facilitating transactions through electronic platforms. As a result, the number of transactions carried out with cryptocurrencies grew by 141% in the last three months.

The reactivation of the cryptocurrency market occurs in an economic context characterized by stability. According to data from the World Bank, Bolivia closed 2023 with an inflation rate of 2.58%, one of the lowest in Latin America. However, the local currency, the boliviano, has lost 2.4% of its value against the dollar in the last five years, which could be encouraging Bolivians to look for financial alternatives in digital assets.

Gentlemen, this will continue to happen in the rest of the world. Trading volume is expected to continue to rise, driven by the growing interest of the population in trading digital assets and the integration of new financial tools into the banking system.

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