Surely everyone reading the title understands what this article is about. Future, a hero with the mission to erase the gap between the rich and the poor. Honestly, I don’t know what word to use to describe Future, using the word hero is not right either. True to his name, this guy always knows how to create surprises that can be called terrible.

You bet on spot, the lower the capitalization, the less you will worry when you invest with a huge amount of capital, meaning that in spot you can divide your capital to diversify your assets, making your risk of loss low. So what about futures, obviously you can still divide your assets to bet on futures, so what are you worried about here? On Binance, as everyone knows, a transaction must be over 5 USD including fees. Here I just assume you take 100 USD to bet on either spot or futures.

When entering the spot, we will have two trends, the first is not to put all your eggs in one basket, the second is to confidently make a bet of a lifetime. There is nothing to say about dividing your capital into small parts to play the spot, it is the safest, only when you are very unlucky, the price hates you and runs away, then you have to accept it (except in the case of Grandpa Terra). Even if you put everything into a single coin, you only need to pay a little more attention to the price trend at some points, meaning that your profit and loss will not change too fast, nor too slow for most listed coins. If you are more professional, you can research some coins you are investing in, and consider investing in other coins, the point here is that you can prepare carefully for your investment, promptly overcome unwanted risks. Again, I am only assuming 100 USD. So, everyone can see that spot is a stable and safe investment (to be honest, everyone knows it's safe, but to get rich, you need knowledge, patience, a large amount of capital, and a little luck. I've been talking so much to create highlights with the content, partly because I mainly play spot, so it's quite easy).

I don't need to say much about futures, just consider it as the beginning of the elephant and the end of the mouse (actually, I only play contracts with BTC, so I'm afraid that if I ramble on, people will curse me to death). As for when I play futures, I'm not sure, because at that time I was possessed, every time I played, I was possessed, I vaguely remember that the person who imported me often went into isolated, the limit was about 1000-2000 different from the BTC price, usually Long. Everyone asked about leverage, then everyone probably knows that it's x125. It was quite stable, I was getting into Long, then one day, I waved my hand and it was short, waved my hand and it was market, well, at that time the price of BTC was almost 66K so I sympathize, he stopped importing from then on. So, the gap between rich and poor is just a glance (looking at the price), luckily he hadn't crossed yet, otherwise he might have been super-born. Here I'm just telling a funny story (it's true). To be long-term with futures, capitalization must be tight, experience is also a part, the important thing is to have someone to bless, someone to tell you the way to go, don't miss a single order and you'll fail. Oh, I forgot that I'm only using 100 USD, and I forgot that I can divide it into small orders. You can try, some of you will say that you use high leverage and then complain, my point of view is that I only use this for fun, why not x125, and for those who consider it an investment, I have no opinion. I just want to contribute some opinions when trading futures, that is, you should only trade BTC, leverage depends on your mood (lucky people know), I have a connection with Long so I'm not sure, but I find that most of the time, trading Long is easier to win than short, don't do cross bets, finally, you should limit, don't market, placing orders is difficult to control, it's easy to get frustrated (another small note is that if you want to get rich quickly and get poor soon, you can place orders from 1am to 3am, I often stay up late so I see it that way).

What about you guys Spot or Future?

This article may be quite nonsense, long-winded, sketchy and lacking in knowledge, I hope everyone sympathizes and do not hesitate to comment if there is anything incorrect or needs to be improved in the article. Thank you everyone for your attention, wishing everyone a great weekend with your loved ones!