The CATS token, a continuation of the DOGS token, has been gaining significant traction within the Telegram community. Built on the TON (The Open Network) blockchain, CATS has already attracted over 7.5 million holders, thanks to its viral Telegram mini-app. Similar to DOGS, CATS tokens can be claimed through airdrops based on Telegram account age, premium status, and user activity, making it highly popular in the community.

CATS was listed on Bitget's Pre-Market platform in late August 2024, providing early access to traders. The listing has drawn considerable attention, positioning CATS as one of the hottest meme coins on TON.

Regarding price predictions, CATS is currently trading at $0.0004 as a pre-market price expected to benefit from the growing popularity of the TON blockchain and its active community. While current market dynamics are driven by meme coin hype and early trading, long-term success depends on its adoption and continued engagement from Telegram users. As of now, no official date has been provided for a full listing across other major exchanges, but the token’s pre-market success indicates potential for broader recognition in the near future.

Traders should keep an eye on CATS for its potential to surge in value, especially with its close ties to Telegram's massive user base. However, as with any meme coin, volatility is to be expected, making it essential for investors to proceed with caution while taking advantage of early opportunities.

For more detailed updates, including future listing dates and specific airdrop details, it’s advisable to follow announcements on Telegram.

#CATS #Super029