1. When you are afraid of this and that, you will be bullied soon. If you are not afraid of anything, no one will bully you, and everyone will be afraid of you. Life is only a few decades long, and many people have already lived half of their lives. What else is there to be afraid of? People can be awed, but they must not be afraid. If you are afraid, you will lose your whole life.

2. Why do others dare to bully you? Because bullying you has no cost, no price to pay. You are afraid of causing trouble, afraid of getting in trouble, afraid of offending people. It just so happens that others bully you for the things you are afraid of, calculating that you dare not resist or say anything.

3. Many people, when they are down and out, will do whatever it takes to achieve their goals. Maybe in their opinion, if you don't work for yourself, you will be punished by heaven and earth, so this is a very normal thing. But life is a long road, if you are too greedy, you will not have a future.

4. Don’t take others too seriously, and don’t take others too seriously. In fact, 90% of the people in life can be offended, because whether they are in your life or not will not have much impact on you.

5. No matter who you are dating, if you want to maintain a long-term relationship, you must let the other person see your value and what benefits you can bring to him, rather than just lowering your posture. Benefits can come in many forms, such as the power in your hands, the connections in your family, or even your flexible mind or the physical strength to run errands.

6. When you are poor, no matter who is around you, everyone will avoid you, mainly because you have no value. When you can create value for others, everything you want will come. Of course, you will also be envied and even criticized, which is normal.

7. After middle age, don't trust feelings too much. Real happiness is having money in your card, gas in your car, and battery in your phone. High emotional intelligence means using a cold heart to say warm words.

8. Marriage is not the grave of love, but the grave of fantasy. Don’t expect others, don’t ask others to change for you, and it doesn’t matter what others say about you. The biggest failure in life is ignorance of human nature, not knowing how to recognize people, and blindly believing in feelings and human hearts. In the end, when you are heartbroken, you suddenly realize that feelings are just sugar coating, and interests are the core.

9. When you are successful, your friends know you. When you are in trouble, you will definitely get to know these friends again. To see a person's true colors, you need to look at the friends around him. Generally speaking, the kind of people your close friends are, there is a high probability that you are also that kind of person.

10. If you are a good person for your whole life, you will be despised if you are bad for a moment. If you are a bad person for your whole life, you will be praised if you are good for a moment. Although a person's reputation seems to be a very empty thing, once someone puts a bad label on you, you may never be able to tear it off in this life.

11. You should know that no one can help you except yourself. You can have many complaints and dissatisfactions, but when you are weak, nothing can be changed. For many things, it is enough to know them in your heart, and there is no need to speak them out.