Nowadays, understanding cryptocurrency is not easy. Even if you understand Bitcoin and Ethereum, there are still many complicated terms to learn.

Here are some confusing blockchain terms:

🔹 **Blobs**: Large data not needed by Ethereum's EVM, stored onchain for 20-90 days and then deleted. Can also be data on IPFS/Filecoin or Monero.

🔹 **Rollups**: Processing transactions on layer-2, reducing the load on layer-1. There are two types: optimistic and zero-knowledge (ZK) proofs.

🔹 **Byzantine Fault Tolerance**: The ability of the system to resist distributed faults, solved by Satoshi Nakamoto via proof-of-work.

🔹 **Proto-danksharding**: A new transaction type for Ethereum, reducing gas fees and increasing throughput. Also known as EIP-4844.

🔹 **DVT**: Decentralized validator technology, increasing durability and reducing risk.

🔹 **Dynamic resharding**: Adjusts the number of shards based on network load, creating flexibility.

🔹 **Nonce**: The number in the Bitcoin block header that determines which miner creates the next block.

Do you have any terms you want to learn more about? Comment below! 🚀