For all retail investors, there is no way to make money in the exchange, and they are just fish on the chopping board of CEX and institutions.

Then they can only seek memes on the chain, whether it is BTC, ETH or SOL chain memes. While the risk has increased a lot, it also provides more opportunities for a hundred times surge. Ordi, sats, rats, maga, bome and many other memes.

There are multiples of these memes on the chain, but it is difficult to buy them. There is not one out of hundreds. This has to go back to the first sentence at the beginning. The essence of currency circle transactions is "attention". The memes generated by many hot events will have high attention. If this hot event is sustainable, the memes generated can continue to rise.

Just like doge in 21, after being linked to the richest man Musk, he often mentioned doge, and every time doge was mentioned, it would explode up, from countless zeros to close to 1 US dollar.

A more vivid description should be "attention economy". As long as the "attention" that everyone cares about, pays attention to, and contrasts can continue to exist, the accompanying memes can also continue to exist or increase.