With $HMSTR now live on Binance, it's tempting to cash out, but be patient! Here's why you should think twice:

1. A Sea of ​​Tokens: With 100 billion tokens in circulation, $HMSTR could face a tsunami of sell-offs. The “Season 2” reserve looks shiny, but is it a clever ploy to keep us in while insiders are pulling out? 🤔

2. Trust is at stake: Recent bans on honest users for alleged ‘cheating’ have shaken the community’s trust. As trust wanes, a mass exodus may be imminent.

3. The Hype Has Fade: Prior to its launch, HMSTR struggled to generate buzz, hinting at a weak launch price. This could have caused a quick sell-off, leaving loyal holders in the lurch!

4. Utility? What utility?: Compared to strong tokens like $NOT and $DOG, $HMSTR's utility is not very impressive. With an anonymous team and a vague roadmap, doubts about its long-term potential are growing.

💡 My two cents: I sold 90% of my $HMSTR holdings. With the increased risk, it's more of a gamble than an investment. Be smart - don't let emotions rule your decisions!