Bitcoin outflow from Binance platform accelerates, with 5566 BTC outflow in 7 days

According to Coinglass data, the outflow of Bitcoin from Binance platform in the past 7 days was as high as 5566.93, and in the past 30 days, the cumulative outflow of Bitcoin reached 12908.86. This trend shows that investors are withdrawing Bitcoin from the platform on a large scale, which may be affected by market fluctuations or changes in the larger macro environment.

Whether this acceleration of outflow indicates short-term market fluctuations or investors' preference for other platforms is worthy of further attention. Seize the trend and be prepared for the next market changes!

#美国二季度核心PCE符合预期 #美联储11月降息预期升温 #美国8月核心PCE创4月以来新高 #美国比特币现货ETF累计净流入创新高 #比特币盈利供应能否推动价格上涨? $BTC $ETH $BNB