At present, we should pay more attention to the currencies in the AI ​​sector! ! ! Because it has not yet been truly launched! ! !

Although many of those MEME coins have increased by hundreds or thousands of times, it is too difficult for ordinary small retail investors like us to buy them. As for me, I am currently mainly holding those currencies with certain ecological applications. In the blockchain market, the AI ​​sector, after being hot for a while last year, seems to have been quiet. I have not moved the AI-related sector currencies in my hands, and I have been holding them.

Among them, the most noteworthy is FET TAO WLD RENDER

For example, the recently added position: RENDER

AI computing power operation is inseparable from GPU computing. NVIDIA is unique in the US stock market. The orders for cooperation between large AI manufacturers and NVIDIA are queued for a long time, which highlights that AI development is inseparable from GPU computing power support. At present, the largest GPU rendering project in the blockchain provides computing power support for many AI projects, with a circulating market value of about 2.5 billion US dollars. Such practical application projects have limited growth space. I also chose IO among the GPU-related projects. It provides computing power differently from RENDER. In addition to its own GPU, it also integrates the computing power of multiple idle GPUs, reducing costs and increasing flexibility and distributed security. The circulating market value of IO is about 260 million dollars, with high growth potential.

#AI板块强势进击 #render #WLD🔥🔥🔥

I will share with you more about the advantages of other currencies in the AI ​​sector and why they are worth buying. I will continue to update...