For the financial market, psychology is the deciding factor. You must have gone through the x3, x4, even x10 stage and finally returned to zero. The psychology when we eat, we see everything is too easy to give up and eat, then when we lose 10%, 20%, we are still confident that it is just an adjustment and keep holding the order with high leverage. The psychology of not accepting mistakes, not being disciplined will kill us. Remember the principle "we participate in the market to make money, the less money the better, when you have profit, close it right away, don't think that trading futures is holding like spot". If you think it will continue to increase, sell to buy spot, if the price goes down, we will only lose a few%. At that time, is it safer to sell spot to trade futures? $BTC will increase in the near future, so keeping money at this time is very important, I hope you guys are careful, the x10 opportunity is coming soon