A friend of mine collects U off-site. Yesterday he suddenly discovered that the coins in his I* wallet could not be transferred out. There were more than 300,000 U in it, which were not oversigned, but the transfer failed.

After checking the coin receiving records, it was found that there was a transfer from a "risky address". The usage track of this address was very suspicious. It was multiple payments that were combined into one and transferred to a friend.

When a friend contacted I*Wallet, he received the following email.


I*Wallet officially replied that my friend’s wallet address may be involved in X money or currency theft fraud, and the transfer function is restricted by the USDT smart contract. If you want to unblock it, you can only contact Tether, the issuing company of USDT!

I* Wallet officials are also powerless. Some people may not understand the logic here, why the coins are in I* Wallet, but I* has no say. For ease of understanding, take the following picture as an example.


I* wallet is equivalent to a black leather card wallet. The TRON chain, Ethereum chain, Binance chain, Horseshoe chain, etc. in the I* wallet are equivalent to the various bank cards in the card wallet. In reality, each person in each bank can only apply for a few cards, while each person on each chain can generate countless wallet accounts. Each bank card stores RMB, and various I* chains can store USDT.

RMB is issued by the central bank, USDT is issued by Tether, Tether can destroy the issued U-coins, and can also put any U-coins into the black hole address. (The tokens put into the black hole address will completely disappear from the universe) RMB cash has a serial number, and each USDT also has its identity mark, including the decomposed 0.1USDT. As I* who packs the card package, I have no right to unblock my friend's wallet address.

Usually, if the U-coins in the wallet address are involved in the case, the uncle will contact Tether to control the U-coins in the wallet.

We have received black coins. If we want to unblock them, we need to contact Tether to learn more about the case. However, it is difficult to get an accurate response through personal contact, which will keep you waiting. Even if you get a response and find out where the uncle is, your negotiation with the uncle may not necessarily eliminate the suspicion of involvement in the case.

You told your uncle that you received black coins by mistake and provided the chat records of the seller. However, these sellers usually make transactions through encrypted chat software, so it is difficult for your uncle to detect the seller's real information. There is only one address, and your uncle knows that this address belongs to a scammer, but he doesn't know who the scammer is. Unless the scammer is not professional. The wallet address has been associated with your exchange account, and you have deposited and withdrawn coins. Your uncle tracked the wallet on the chain and sent a letter of assistance to the exchange, and obtained the information of the scammer's exchange to lock it. But there is no such stupid thief.

Do you often hear the U?

These floating U are all USDT with illegal sources. Those in pyramid schemes are considered white. They are all fraud U and stolen U. Those who sell floating U are helping criminals to deal with X for nothing, because black U cannot be transferred to the exchange and can only be kept in the wallet and converted into cash over the counter.

If you buy black U for a small price and sell it at an exchange, your exchange account will most likely be blocked and the uncle will come to your door to find you. There is also a kind of fraud that collects U by floating down, which is a pure coin theft scam. After gaining your trust, various routines will make your wallet be oversigned, and some will directly cheat you of your money.

So how to avoid receiving a “black U”?

1. Do not touch the U that comes from the address of a runaway project, especially the address of some Ponzi scheme project parties. If you are involved in a case in the future, your address will also be controlled.

2. Don't be greedy for small profits. Many Us that are obtained through illegal activities, running away, or fraud will be sold at low prices, which is called floating U in the jargon. Some clean Us may float down a little in a hurry to cash out, but don't touch Us that float down too much.

3. To buy U, you must go to the exchange and find a currency dealer to buy it! After all, the exchange has its own risk department.

4. You also need to be careful when transferring money between wallets, because there are old wallets and new wallets. You can find out by checking their addresses. Old wallets are preferred over new wallets. Reason: Most criminals will choose new wallets for transactions, which have fewer records and are more convenient.

5. Avoid using currencies from small exchanges, as some people will use small exchanges to launder their money.

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