To play MEME coins, you need to know some tricks. Follow my two tricks and you will make a lot of money!


1. Look for hot spots and get on board quickly. MEME coins are like the wind, coming and going quickly. Once a new topic on the Internet becomes popular, everyone rushes to it, money will flow into that project, and the price will rise. At this time, you have to keep your eyes and ears open, and follow up when you see an opportunity, just like PEPE, which became popular without paying attention. At that time, you got on the car and waited to count the money. The fastest time for MEME coins to make money is when it is the craziest.

2. Find the right community behind MEME. MEME coins not only rely on excitement, but also depend on whether there is a group of die-hard fans behind them. Like Dogecoin and Shiba Inu coin, they can be popular for so long, all thanks to the people in the community who love them wholeheartedly. Don't expect this kind of coin to make you rich overnight, but it is stable and has potential. When the hype is over and the price falls, you can keep an eye on those projects with potential, quietly ambush, and wait for people in the community to work together to push the price up again.

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