In early 2017, I used my own money to buy 100 Bitcoins (BTC). A few months later, the price of Bitcoin doubled, and I thought my goal of making 100 million was about to be achieved. I told my wife the news in a daze, but it led to a quarrel. This made me start to think whether the money used to increase family income can still be considered private money.

A few days later, my wife calmed down and the Bitcoin wallet was synchronized. I printed five copies of the private key and hid them in five places at home. At this time, the price of Bitcoin was three times what it was when I bought it. However, the good times did not last long, and the price of Bitcoin fell from three times to two times. In order to avoid my wife's worry, I did not tell her and tried to comfort myself by doing housework.

The price of Bitcoin continued to decline and almost returned to the cost price. I realized that although Bitcoin is scarce, its price fluctuates greatly. Before deciding to sell, I tried to persuade my wife not to invest in Bitcoin and guide her to pay attention to more stable investment channels. In the end, I decided to sell 100 Bitcoins, but I only made tens of thousands of yuan.

Unfortunately, during this experience, my relationship with my wife broke down and we divorced, and I lost my job due to the epidemic. Now, I used the hard-earned 10,000 yuan to buy #Starlink , hoping to turn things around. Tail number 6fd9#HMSTR开盘 #美国8月核心PCE创4月以来新高 #比特币盈利供应能否推动价格上涨? #SEC主席重申比特币非证券 $BTC $ETH $BNB