After the big cake rose strongly and broke through 63800 and stood firm, it soared all the way and directly opened the door to 6.6-6.8w. At present, the bullish sentiment is strong, and the rebound momentum of the 2-day and 3-day lines is further strengthened. Pay attention to the breakthrough of 67700-68250 above. If there is a strong breakthrough here, the market sentiment will be more excited and hit the 7w mark again.

Historically, September has closed down more than 5% every year. After September 18 this month, the world has successively released the positive news of interest rate cuts, which reversed the trend in one fell swoop and changed history. A shares also made history yesterday. Under the continuous stimulation of major macroeconomic benefits, the impact of emotional disk cannot be underestimated.

The daily retracement in the past 48 hours has been small, and there is basically no big opportunity to cover positions. In the short term, it can basically be regarded as a unilateral trend. #HMSTR开盘 #美国二季度核心PCE符合预期 #美国8月核心PCE创4月以来新高 $BTC