CZ is released from prison, where is the next stop❓

Just when everyone was asleep, CZ, who was longing for the entire industry, was released from US regulators.

Although CZ himself refused to be interviewed, a Binance spokesperson told the media: "We are glad that CZ will go home with his family. Although he does not manage or operate Binance, we are excited to see what he will do next."

So far, CZ has ended his 4-month prison life, and his next destination has become the focus of attention. However, according to the settlement agreement reached earlier, CZ has resigned as CEO of Binance and will no longer participate in any "daily" activities of the company.

This agreement seems to limit the subsequent development of Binance and CZ, but in fact it brings more choices to CZ himself and creates more possibilities for Binance, which is not a bad thing.

First of all, after being released from prison, CZ is no longer just CZ of Binance, but CZ of the industry. He has the energy to devote himself to education and other fields, bringing more increments to the entire industry.

Secondly, in the four months without CZ, Binance has completed the de-CZization and has been steadily moving forward under the leadership of professional manager Richard and co-founder He Yi. There may be more new explorations in the future. It should be emphasized that although CZ will not directly participate in the company's operations in the future, he will still be the largest shareholder of Binance and have a say in Binance's major decisions within the permitted scope. In other words, CZ has been with us from beginning to end, just retreating behind the scenes.

The media speculates that CZ's first stop after being released from prison is likely to be Dubai or Paris, because his children live there with his mother He Yi. He will devote more energy to family and charity in the future. More detailed information on the Giggle Academy project initiated before imprisonment may appear in the next few months.

In any case, CZ's return is good for the entire industry, and I look forward to CZ continuing to shine in the Web3 world.

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