Buying Bitcoin feels like playing an emotional game of Jenga. One minute you're thinking, "Yes! I'm a genius! I'll sell at the peak and live large!" Then, out of nowhere, the price crashes, leaving you wondering if you just bought a bag of useless cat food.

Selling? That's like trying to nail the perfect jump in Mario Kart. You're convinced, "I've mastered the market! I'll cash out at the top and ride off into crypto-wealth!" But suddenly, the price skyrockets, and you're left questioning if you should've just held on.

And holding? Oh, holding. It's like being stuck in an endless cycle of "what if?" You tell yourself, "Maybe if I hang on a bit longer, it'll go up!" But then the price stagnates, and you're left contemplating if you should just give in and invest in a timeshare in Boca Raton.

#potGoldATH H #FTXAuction SolanaRedemption #BTCReboundsAfterFOMC #.S.PCIUp 0.1% #NeiroWoof oOnBinance $USDC $BTC