ZAZA is a token with a market value of 6.0k, a trading volume of 1.3k, an increase in the number of coins held of 571, a liquidity of 1.49 ETH, a UniswapV2 buy tax of 15.0, a sell tax of 30.1, an opening purchase limit has been enabled, a maximum sniper bribe ETH of 0.14, a minimum of 0.07, an average of 0.09, a total of 1000000, a deployer of 0x5c5a95e968e1906cb83cb3559e71e237905b569e, a historical contract number of 1, a funding source of 0x9642b23ed1e01df1092b92641051881a322f5d4e, and a contract code that is not open source. #BNB