(09.27 0:00 Analysis No. 31)

Please allow me to say: This idiot made a lot of money. Hahahaha

One more thing: I love these fans who moved me to death.

The interest rate cut + policy is good, and the market sentiment has begun to cooperate with the price to open high and go high. This week's weekly line is very beautiful.

Review: The 66,000 that should have arrived has arrived, and the 160 that should have arrived has also arrived. It's just 2,700 away. It was only a few knives away before the analysis just now. It's not a pity, which means that many orders are hanging there.

Let's analyze again: The weekly line has not been completed yet, and it's still not empty. If 66,000 is broken, it depends on whether 66,500 can break through. If it breaks through this hurdle, it basically means 68,500, because the daily line did not hit the pillar, and the daily line had a big pillar before closing the monthly line, which is basically perfect.

Ethereum will definitely reach 2700. 2700 is not the pressure of 2800. 2800 can decide whether Ethereum is OK or not. But it is enough for us to do swing trading.

Sol162 pressure, as long as the market does not fall, it will be sideways at 160, so don't rush to short. If there is a cottage week tomorrow, we can do cottage trading together, but I prefer to use spot to rush cottage and dare to hold a large position, and I have made a lot of money.

Operation idea:

Ethereum 2655 has sold half, and it can be sold at 2700. Continue to hold it to see if it can withstand the rise of 2800. It will be really fucking if it breaks through.

Spot has changed to stop profit in batches. For example, people has been 30 points in a row, and it will be sold before the election. There is a callback to increase the position.

Ton should focus on the center. If there is a sector rotation, the first choice is ton and not and Dogs. The sound waves are very low, and the pull may be unambiguous.

Pay attention to the cottage season. If you don't buy the bottom, do the swing trading, and there will be a sector rotation. It's time to make money!

I'll make another list tomorrow. You share, I'll analyze and continue to do it, and serve you well, so that you can all climax!

I'll make another list tomorrow. You share, I'll analyze and continue to do it, and serve you well, so that you can all climax!