Five key factors for profit in the cryptocurrency circle

1. Cognition: Find out what you know

Do you really understand how much profit the cryptocurrency circle can bring? Are you aware of the potential benefits? A 10x return is just the beginning, 100x is not uncommon, and even 1,000x and 10,000x opportunities are possible.

2. Ambition: Ask what you want

Are you eager to pan for gold? Just like in the 1990s, some people knew that there were gold mines in Southeast Asia, but they still chose to work in offices steadily and were unwilling to change the status quo. Only a few people dared to try because they wanted the return of that gold mine.

3. Courage: Do you dare to act

Even if you are told that gold mines exist in Southeast Asia, do you dare to dig? The environment there may not be very good, and you may not be sure whether you can find gold at all. There are many people who want it, but very few people really dare to take risks.

4. Execution: Can you stick to it? Although many people dared to pan for gold in the 1990s, not everyone has execution. They may give up after digging for a few days without results. On the contrary, those who persevered eventually dug up some gold, mastered the skills, and reaped more and more rewards.

5. Deep thinking: How to achieve goals

As more gold diggers poured in, gold mining became more and more difficult and the profits became thinner and thinner. People with deep thinking ability began to explore other opportunities to make money. For example, gold diggers need water, tools and suitable clothes, and smart people turned to businesses that provide these needs. For example, Levi's brand started selling jeans during this period and succeeded.

These five elements are indispensable. If there is no cognition, it can be compensated by self-study or paid courses; while the lack of ambition and execution requires personal effort and cultivation. The ability to think deeply is particularly important. It requires long-term practice and there is no shortcut.
