How to get rid of the addiction to contracts?

After turning over the warehouse several times, you think you are lucky, but you have unknowingly fallen into the vortex of gambling. Time and time again, rushing U, and blowing up the warehouse again and again, isn't this a vicious cycle? You are not short of luck now, but self-control and the courage to quit.

Don't lie to yourself and say "I will get my money back if I do it again." Admit that you are addicted, not because of lack of ability, but because of too much desire. True freedom is not to turn over again from the contract, but to be completely free from this endless cycle.

Every time you get paid, the first reaction is not to "try less", but to draw a red line for yourself: never touch it again! Use every penny in places with actual returns, not in the virtual market. Let your money work for you, instead of paying tuition to the dealer.

You have to find something to do, even if it is just some random pastime. The excitement of the currency circle contract is very strong, but don't think you can't live without it. Spend more time and energy on family, friends or hobbies, stay away from the market chart, and stay away from those impulses of "rushing again".

Write down every experience of liquidation and remind yourself over and over again. The feeling of heartache from losing money and the sadness of returning to the pre-liberation era overnight will slowly help you build a psychological defense line. Remember, the contract is a game designed by the dealer, and you are the chess piece that may be cleared at any time.

The last sentence, you have to ask yourself: What is the purpose of playing contracts? Flipping positions does not make you free, but makes you more dependent. There are thousands of ways to make money, why do you have to sink deeper and deeper into this quagmire?

In the current market, I have dozens of coping plans

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