Many friends don't know what the funding rate is. Here's how to get the funding rate:

1. The funding rate and countdown of each currency will be displayed in the upper right corner, and it is usually settled every 8 hours.

If the rate is positive, the long position will pay the short position fee; if it is negative, it will be the opposite.

Generally, this can be used to see the long and short sentiment. For example, if the funding rate of a certain currency is -3%, it means that it is basically shorting. If you go short at this time, a large fee will be deducted when settling the funding rate.

Some dog dealers will use this to deliberately pull the market to make money from this funding rate.

2. Calculation of funding rate:

Funding rate minus cost = cost value position size * leverage * funding rate

For example: 30U cost value order leverage 10X funding rate -3%, the calculation is to deduct or earn 30*10*0.03=9U

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