According to BlockBeats, on September 27, top trader Eugene Ng Ah Sio shared his latest trading trends and market views on social media. Despite the fear of missing out (FOMO) in the market, he still sticks to his trading plan, reduces some positions and sells some assets. 💡

Eugene Ng Ah Sio also mentioned in his post on September 25 that his view on the current bull market is that he will not blindly pursue more profits because of rising prices. He believes that the $65 to $68k area is a reasonable profit-taking point for early buyers. Many wait-and-see funds will choose to enter the market at $65k, which may also become the final driving force for the rise.

He further stated that the price of Bitcoin is unlikely to break through the $70,000 ceiling before the upcoming election. Therefore, he will not choose to increase his position at the current price. If the price hits $68,000, he is more inclined to liquidate his position and wait for the price to fall back to the $60k area before re-entering the market.

The views of this top trader have sparked widespread discussion in the market. For those investors who are hesitant in the market, Eugene Ng Ah Sio's strategy may provide some valuable reference. After all, in a market full of uncertainty, it is particularly important to stay calm and rational.

Dear readers, what do you think of Eugene Ng Ah Sio's views? Do you have similar trading strategies? Welcome to share your views and experiences in the comment area, let us explore this market full of opportunities and challenges together!