On September 26, 2024, trading in the #HMSTR token from the popular Telegram project Hamster Kombat started on a number of major exchanges. Against the backdrop of the event, crypto community members had many complaints about its team. What's wrong with the#HamsterKombat (HMSTR) airdrop? Unfair distribution of rewards, Date transfer and rule change, Low starting price for trading in the HMSTR token

Concerns that the price of#HMSTRtokens at the start would be $0.01 were justified. Immediately after the start of trading, the token rate began to fall. As of the time of writing, HMSTR is trading at $0.00677, which is 30% lower than the starting price. Problems with selling HMSTR

The reward for many project participants for tapping the hamster was only a couple of dollars. Players complain about unreasonably low payouts. Many tapped the hamster for months, and at the end received only a few dollars. Interruptions in the operation of the Telegram wallet. Due to the wallet overload, many players were unable to access tokens.