Salute to the crypto people! 😎

Today we will analyze one of those eternal topics that makes graduates sigh and parents ask the very same question: “So, are you working in your profession?” 😅 Let's figure out how many students really remain true to their diploma and build a career in their specialty.

The Myth of the "Dream Job"

Studying for something is one thing, but working in this specialty is quite another. Finding yourself in a world where a position with a beautiful title and a high salary is waiting for you on every corner is a dream, but the reality is usually a little more complicated. Yes, yes, not all graduates become the engineers, doctors or lawyers they dreamed of. 😏

Statistics by country 🌍

To get an idea of ​​how things are with employment in this profession, let's look at some interesting figures:

1. USA: Here, only 27% of graduates work strictly in their specialty. The rest, apparently, decided that life is too short to stay within the framework of one diploma, and went to look for themselves in other areas. đŸ’Œ

2. Europe: EU countries boast a rate of 60-70%. So if you study engineering in Europe, there's a good chance you'll be fixing something more serious than your parents' Wi-Fi. 😜

3. Russia: In Russia, the situation is about halfway between the two — about 50% work in their field. Perhaps this is due to the mysterious Russian soul and its desire to “go against the system.” 😏

4. Armenia: In Armenia, about 40-50% of graduates find work in their field. But let's be honest, in a country with such a rich cultural heritage, sometimes you want to be anyone - from a musician to a startup founder. đŸŽ»đŸ‘šâ€đŸ’»

Why does this happen?

So why do so many people decide to change their major after graduation? đŸ€” Here are a few reasons:

Interests change. What seemed cool at 18 doesn't always remain so at 25. The world is changing, and you are with it! 💡

The economy dictates the rules. Sometimes you simply can't find a job in your specialty because the profession has lost its relevance or there aren't enough jobs.

Wanting more. Many graduates go where there are more opportunities to earn money, and not where a diploma awaits them. 💾

What to do if it's not your profession?

Working outside your field of study is not a disaster! You still gain valuable skills and life experience. Plus, many employers value your skills and ability to learn on the go more than what's written on your diploma. 😉

And who knows? Maybe your next profession is exactly what you need. And the university was just a stepping stone to something bigger. đŸ€©


A diploma is just one step on the way. If you work in your specialty, great! But if not, that's okay too. The main thing is to find yourself and not be afraid to change your path when necessary. After all, as they say, life is not about finding the only right path, but about creating your own. đŸ’«

So don't worry if your job doesn't match your diploma specialty. The main thing is to work with pleasure and develop! 🚀

Now share your thoughts in the comments! Are you working in your specialty or have you decided to move in a different direction? Don't forget to like and subscribe so you don't miss new articles! 👇
