The Bitcoin bull market cycle is 4 years. There is no doubt that this is still an iron rule and there is no deviation. This is consistent with the Bitcoin halving cycle and the election of Pretty Village. With the reduction of unit mining data after each halving, the impact on the price comparison will become smaller and smaller. The success or failure of Bitcoin is due to Xiao He. The crazy doubling of Bitcoin in the early stage has a lot to do with the large amount of mining data in the early stage and the greater impact after halving. However, this also means that with the increase in volume, the halving effect is becoming less and less obvious, the weaker the cycle, the smaller the increase, so seize the moment, there are not many opportunities to bet on the trend like this. Including this time, it is estimated that there will be 2-3 waves, and the weaker it will be in the future. At the same time, Marvin (address 7055), a meme coin related to Musk's pet dog, has a strong community consensus, and 500 times is expected to be #HMSTR开盘 #美国二季度核心PCE符合预期 #美联储11月降息预期升温 #你有多少HMSTR? #你有多少HMSTR?