Golden Finance reported that Matrixport released a report saying that Bitcoin is likely to rebound at the end of the year, bringing surprises to many market participants. The report said that although Bitcoin has been in a state of consolidation since reaching an all-time high in March 2024, the return rate has reached +49% year-to-date, which is comparable to the +47% return rate predicted based on historical data. Based on Bitcoin's performance in the past decade, if this historical trend continues, it is very likely that the price will rebound sharply in early October. For all participants in the crypto asset space, the coming weeks and months will be an exciting and transformative period. In addition, Ethereum mining fees have rebounded slightly, indicating that the summer consolidation phase of crypto assets is expected to end. As for whether the rebound momentum will continue, a more detailed and rigorous analysis of Ethereum revenue and mining fee trends is needed. Close attention to these indicators can provide insight into whether the recent rebound is sustainable. If it is not sustainable, it means that the logic of market activities may have changed.