1. In most cases, Bitcoin is the leader in the rise and fall of the currency circle. Ethereum and other strong-quality coins sometimes influence Bitcoin to get out of the unilateral market, and altcoins can basically not escape its influence;

2. Bitcoin and USDT move in opposite directions. If you find that USDT has increased, you should be alert to the decline of Bitcoin. When Bitcoin increases, it is the right time to buy USDT.

3. There is a tendency for pinning to occur between 0:00 and 1:00 every day. Therefore, domestic coin friends can set a buy price of their favorite coin as low as possible and a sell price as high as possible before going to bed. Maybe the transaction will be completed and you can make money without doing anything.

4. 6-8 am every day is a good time to buy or sell, and it is also a good time to judge the rise or fall of the day. If the market keeps falling from 0 to 6 am, it is still falling during this period, so it is a good time to buy or cover the position, and the market will basically rise on the day. If the market keeps rising from 0 to 6 am, it is still rising during this period, so it is a good time to sell, and the market will most likely fall on the day.

5. 5pm is an important time for rumors. Due to the time difference, American currency friends get up and go to work, which may cause the currency to fluctuate. Some big rises or falls have indeed occurred at this time, so you should pay special attention to it.

6. There is a saying in the cryptocurrency circle that "Black Friday" has happened a few times. There have been a few cases where the market crashed on Friday, but there have also been cases where the market surged or went sideways. It is not particularly accurate. Just pay attention to the news. 3, 4 days, or even a month. If you have extra USDT, you can cover your positions in batches to bring the price down. You will get your money back faster. If you don't have extra money, just wait. You won't be disappointed. Unless you really bought junk coins.

7. For spot trading, the same coin can be traded for a long time with less transactions, which will bring greater returns than frequent transactions. It depends on whether you have the patience to hold on. I bought Dogecoin at 0.029, and it has increased more than 20 times since I held it.

8. Factors affecting the turbulence in the cryptocurrency market:
1) The attitude of various countries towards cryptocurrencies. If they are negative, there will basically be a wave of decline;
2) US financial policies, such as the recent rumor that the rich will be taxed on their capital gains (commonly known as the rich tax);
3) The attitude of bigwigs like Musk towards cryptocurrencies. For example, Musk would post a tweet with information about Bitcoin and Dogecoin, pushing up the prices of these two currencies, thereby driving up the entire currency circle. For example, Buffett’s remarks that he is not optimistic about Bitcoin; so you should pay attention to financial news.

There is a saying that I agree with very much: the boundary of knowledge determines the boundary of wealth, and people can only earn wealth within the boundary of their knowledge. You must have a good mentality when speculating in cryptocurrencies. Don't let your blood pressure soar when there is a big drop, and don't get carried away when there is a big rise. You should take the money and run.

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