Changpeng Zhao, known as “CZ,” the founder of Binance, will be released from federal custody on Friday, September 27, two days earlier than initially scheduled. His release date was moved due to a policy that prevents the release of prisoners on weekends. 

Zhao had been serving a four-month sentence for violations of anti-money laundering regulations at Binance, the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange.

Early release and time served

Zhao spent the first half of his sentence at a minimum-security facility in the California desert before being transferred to a halfway house in Long Beach, where he had more freedom and access to supervised activities. His early release is no surprise to those familiar with the U.S. penal system, which often allows inmates to go home before the weekend if their release date falls on a Saturday or Sunday.

The light sentence of four months drew attention, with some attributing it to Zhao’s family’s testimony and the recognition of his extensive philanthropic work. During the sentencing process, his efforts in education through his initiative, Giggle Academy, which provides free education to underprivileged children globally, were highlighted.

Family and philanthropy

With his release, speculation surrounds Zhao’s next steps. He is widely believed to have reunited with his family, including his children and their mother, He Ye, a Binance executive currently residing in Dubai or Paris. Zhao has previously expressed a desire to focus on spending more time with his children and expanding his philanthropic endeavors.

#CZ may be released two days earlier than the official release date this Friday – @Forbes Because his release date falls on Sunday. Watch $BNB.

— MartyParty (@martypartymusic) September 27, 2024

His Giggle Academy, a project dedicated to providing high-quality education to children worldwide, is expected to be central to his future activities. Zhao has publicly stated his commitment to this cause, emphasizing the need to support the youth and provide them with better opportunities.

Restrictions and Binance leadership

Despite his freedom, Zhao faces significant restrictions under the terms of his criminal settlement. The agreement requires him to step down as CEO of Binance and refrain from participating in the company’s day-to-day operations. Additionally, Binance will continue to operate under the supervision of two external monitors appointed by the U.S. government to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.

While Zhao no longer holds an executive role, his influence on the company remains substantial. As Binance’s largest shareholder, he retains significant sway over its future direction. Binance continues to perform well under its current leadership, boasting a global user base of over 229 million.

Zhao’s release marks the end of a challenging chapter. Still, questions remain about his future involvement in the cryptocurrency industry and how his philanthropic ambitions will evolve in the coming years. His actions will undoubtedly be closely watched by both supporters and regulators alike.

The post Binance Founder ‘CZ’ Set for Early Release from Federal Custody first appeared on Coinfea.