When analyzing the market, avoid anthropomorphizing the market. The so-called "banker" does not refer to a specific individual, but the combined force of the market as a whole. Although in some small-cap currencies, the concentration of chips may lead to market manipulation, this is not the root cause. Retail investors should look at market dynamics rationally, focusing on risk management and self-assessment.

1. When an overbought signal appears, risk management should be carried out first to protect existing gains.

2. Don't pay too much attention to the so-called "banker". The key is to make judgments based on your own risk tolerance. Focusing on predicting the behavior of "bankers" often leads to misunderstandings, and may only result in small losses, medium losses, or even serious losses in the end.

3. The phenomenon of overbought and overbought again is objectively existing, and there are corresponding treatment methods, but risk management can never be ignored.

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