Recalling the shocking bull market in 2020, the cryptocurrency circle, US stocks, A shares, and Hong Kong stocks all rose simultaneously, which was unprecedented!

The seeds of the bull market began to sprout quietly in October, and the market gradually began. After the November election, it was as if the start button was pressed, and the market suddenly pulled up, and the engine seemed to be completely activated!

Especially the altcoins, which soared 10 times or even 100 times in just a few months, and even those assets regarded as "junk stocks" could rise 5 to 10 times! This crazy rise broke out in early 2021, and the market from January to February was the peak.

But with the arrival of March, the market heat gradually receded, and the rising trend trended. In September, the market rebounded slightly, but since then the overall market has gradually weakened.

Today, the market in 2024 gives people a strong sense of familiarity, and it seems to reshape the grand occasion of that year. However, will it be another "history repeating"? Or will it interpret a new chapter? Let's wait and see!