• Arthur Hayes, co-founder of crypto exchange BitMEX, believes that Bitcoin is a "release valve" for fiat money printed by governments in traditional financial systems to suppress volatility.

• In his essay "Supercycle Volatility," Hayes argues that printing money to create a calm economic environment causes volatility in cryptocurrencies and increases their value.

• Hayes emphasizes that politicians cannot cope with volatility due to the excessive debt load in the system and are forced to print more money when the situation worsens.

• According to him, the amount of money printed to maintain volatility stability increases every year and will eventually lead to a financial reset of the system.

• Hayes also noted that volatility distortions in traditional financial systems are especially strong in the United States, since the dollar is the world's reserve currency.

• Since 2008, the level of bank credit has never decreased, and banks are forced to create even more credit to suppress volatility.

• Hayes believes that the increase in fiat money aimed at suppressing volatility will lead to an increase in the value of crypto assets in the coming months.

• He recommends that investors buy Bitcoin at the lowest price possible as its volatility against fiat is an asset.