At present, the market value of the market is 1.3 trillion US dollars, and the total market value of the top 31 is 2140.938 billion US dollars. (The market value fluctuates, which does not affect the analysis.) Dividing the market value of 1.3 trillion of PIXIN by 2140.938 billion, we get that PIXIN accounts for 0.61% of the funds, which is converted into a market capital share of 61% (that is, the remaining tens of thousands of currencies account for only 39% of the funds). It just fits the analysis of the seven waves of technical analysis. If there are three to four positive lines on the weekly line, the market capital share of PIXIN will rush to more than 90%. PIXIN will reach the top, and the value of the cottage will plummet. The reason is very easy to explain. The main funds withdraw from the cottage and pile into PIXIN. Retail investors will withdraw and curse if they follow the rise or fall. Some people will brag about the market reaching 1 million dollars. Just listen! 2.5 times the previous high of the market is already the limit, that is, 185,000 US dollars. The market capital share is almost close to 100%. It is hard to say where the needle will be inserted. It will take only one second to reach 1 million US dollars. Anyway, retail investors can't sell. The seventh wave will rush to the top of the market to draw blood. The value cottage will plummet and insert the needle. It is exactly the time to build a position, but you have to place a step-by-step order that breaks the weekly moving average in advance. When the market is rushing to the top to draw blood, I strongly recommend ORDI (because it is a strong currency and parasitic on BIT, it will be very fat in the future), and prepare to choose currencies LTC and ATOM.