Market situation as of today in September.

Sattember is like previous years, the market is very gloomy. This year is so different, I'm not familiar with it!!

Before the FOMC meeting, on September 17, in the US session, the market started to flourish, flying from $57k to $61k, after the FOMC meeting, interest rates were reduced -> Idle money in the middle class was more -> Investment psychology began to form -> $BTC to $64k => $BTC pushed BTC.D down -> Altcoins flew strongly.

Before that, the USD price also fell sharply, fortunately thanks to Powell's statement that the economy was still stable, the USD price has now increased again. Besides, the $XAU price also reached consecutive peaks. SP500, Nasdaq, Dowjones reached new peaks => The market started to have spring again.

$ETH, although being cursed and FUDed a lot, but before the TOKEN2049 event, it started to grow strongly, and after Vitalik made a few posts, the ETH/BTC price also showed a significant recovery :)))).

$AAVE flew through the roof after a long slide before, although it has not broken the previous peak, in general, this commodity still has growth potential, and the possibility of returning to the $300 area is also quite high.

In terms of politics, whether Trump or Harris wins, the market will still fly quite well, I think the market will fly stronger for Trump than Harris, when Trump continuously shills $BTC and launches projects with his son.

Harris promised that when elected, he will help increase investment in the AI ​​and Crypto niches, although he previously disliked the Crypto market. But I think Trump has been assassinated twice but still does not give up => Trump may be re-elected.

#Write2Win #eth