Wu said that according to Christine Kim's summary of the 197th Ethereum Executive Core Developer Meeting (ACDE), this meeting mainly discussed: Pectra Devnet 3 update (testing the network's performance in dealing with large deposit activities, unknown reasons caused the block broadcast time to increase; Devnet 4 is expected to be launched within two weeks), considering including BLS precompilation repricing in Devnet 4 (EIP-2537: Adding BLS precompilation allows Ethereum to create more secure cryptographic proofs and allow better interoperability with the beacon chain), proposing to simplify EL-triggered requests (such as validator withdrawals, etc.) and hand them over to CL for parsing, Pectra upgrade split discussion (Vitalik supports increasing blob capacity in Pectra, and developers have different opinions on this; Pectra's subsequent upgrade will be named Fusaka and will include PeerDAS and EOF, Verkle will not be included in the Fusaka upgrade, and is considering including it in the subsequent Amsterdam upgrade), etc.