CZ's freedom today marks the beginning of a new chapter in his life. After months of detention, he will step onto the streets of California, carrying $60 billion in personal wealth and expectations for the future. According to reports, his first stop may be Dubai or Paris to reunite with his family, especially his children.

During this period, his charity project Giggle Academy may become an important focus of his reintegration into society, promising to provide educational resources for poor children around the world. The wishes he expressed in the verdict show his deep understanding of social responsibility, which may be translated into concrete actions.

Despite being forced to resign as CEO of Binance and distance himself from the company's daily operations, CZ is still the company's largest shareholder and can play an important role in the future of the cryptocurrency industry. At only 47 years old, he is standing at the golden stage of his career and looking forward to the next peak in the crypto field.

CZ's future is undoubtedly worth looking forward to, and with his return, the world is also watching how he will write the second act of his life.