Almost every day, fans ask: Which altcoins are there now? Today, I will explain the selection criteria for altcoins at one time. Next time, before you decide to buy an altcoin, check whether the altcoin you want to buy meets these screening criteria:

1. In 99% of cases, it is right to choose old coins that have been through at least one cycle of wash-out (I put this first because it is the most contrary to common sense for most people. If you want to hype a new narrative this round, go to the primary market, not the secondary exchange. If you want to find alpha in the secondary new coin, the winning rate is not as good as you randomly pick a pubic hair plate in the primary market and hit it all.

2. Choose a coin with income, whether it is protocol income or service income. Being able to support the team with its own cash flow means that it does not need to smash the market from time to time to cash out. It is best if its income can be linked to the coin price, whether it is a repurchase or dividend method (this is why Aave is awesome)

3. Reject air coins, choose coins with business and natural growth of "business". The secondary institutions with subjective strategies that can survive this round actually have a consensus, and everyone is disgusted with air coins that only tell stories.

4. Do not touch any meme coin that is not killed in the first level, including all memes of TON chain on Binance.

5. Do not touch any new coin VC chips that are more than 5 times more expensive than retail chips, at least wait until the price drops to that level, especially for this round of VC, in fact, everyone is in the mentality of "it's good to get back the money".

6. Listen less to other people's shouting orders, use the product more before buying a coin, ask yourself whether you will continue to use it, see how the number of users and actual business are, see how much FDV is and compare the valuation of the previous cycle to decide whether the current price is expensive, instead of judging by feeling when the price chart is down 80%, control your hands and only buy things that you understand and believe in. In fact, if you have done all these points, you can outperform at least 90% of people.