Binance: Committed to achieving currency freedom, recruiting hardcore employees

A lot has happened in recent months, and the community often discusses whether Binance has changed?

As the industry's largest trading platform, Binance has always been the subject of much research, especially on how to achieve effective cross-cultural management in remote work situations.

In the official article "How Binance Manages Remote Teams Efficiently", two points are mentioned: determining corporate values ​​that are conducive to remote work and cultivating a corporate culture of continuous communication throughout the process.

In July this year, Binance co-founder He Yi also said in an interview with the media that one of the good things about Binance in the past seven years is that its corporate culture is very solid.

Binance’s corporate values ​​can be summarized in one sentence from CZ: “We view cryptocurrency as a fundamental means to advance the freedom of money. Therefore, we strive to promote cryptocurrency and make it circulated around the world. Every product and service of Binance contributes to this goal, and user-first is our key driver.”

Vision: Binance is committed to increasing global monetary freedom and believes that by spreading this freedom, it can significantly improve the lives of people around the world. People should have the freedom to access, use, own, store and earn currency.

Mission: Binance's mission is to provide core infrastructure services for cryptocurrency.

Core Values:

  • User-centric: Users and community are the reason for Binance’s existence. Their job is to serve and protect users, putting user interests first.

  • Freedom: To execute responsibly and autonomously, to empower those around you, to have a diverse team, to challenge the status quo.

  • Collaboration: open communication, teamwork, common goals, and co-building an ecosystem.

  • Hardcore: Focus on results, get things done, be passionate, work hard, learn quickly after failure and get back up.

  • Humility: Accept critical feedback, treat everyone equally, and be humble about your success.

Code of Conduct:

  • Effective Communication: Concise verbal and written communications, direct and honest, no "sugar coat" or selective reporting, clear requests, and providing adequate context.

  • Stay Passionate: Be passionate about the industry and the important work, be proactive, and be driven by mission rather than money.

  • Continuous Learning: Become an early adopter and continually learn and adapt to this emerging and dynamic industry.

  • Respect other people's time: Be on time and pay attention to details (such as muting and preparing the camera) to show respect.

  • Develop strong leadership: build lean teams, mentor and develop, have strong bench strength, continue to learn, and lead by example.

  • Understand company strategy: Understand the big picture, develop a keen sense of the business and industry, cultivate good judgment, prioritize the team, and focus on execution.

  • Develop a grassroots mentality: stay close to the community, stay authentic, and rely on social media instead of traditional media.

  • Demonstrates radical candor: Speaks directly, provides comprehensive data, focuses on the problem rather than the individual, accepts direct feedback, and does not shy away from escalating issues.

From the above, we can not only see the values ​​​​advocated by Binance, but also get a glimpse of its style of doing things, which can be summarized as the pursuit of direct point-to-point communication, advocating to connect with users through social media rather than traditional media, and relying on its own platform to speak out rather than third-party channels. Therefore, we can also see that CZ\He Yi frequently communicates directly with users on X. Internally, Binance also maintains a flat communication style. Many Binance employees have said that they have received calls from CZ in the middle of the night to communicate about work matters. (This article is excerpted from Shenchao)