Things are heating up in Ethereum (ETH): Who will win the war?

Ethereum (ETH), which is trading at a critical level, is facing a $2.8 billion options threat.

$ETH is trying to stay above the $2,600 resistance level after a 15.1 percent increase between September 18 and September 23. Recent macroeconomic data showing a weakening economy has led to an increase in the stock market, increasing demand for short-term government bonds. With this development, investors are focused on the $2.78 billion monthly Ether options that will expire on September 27. This data, which is important for the altcoin market, seems to affect the short-term course.

Options that affect the price flow of the relevant cryptocurrency have become important for Ethereum. The pioneer of altcoins, which has been crushed against Bitcoin for a while, has not been able to show the expected performance. However, various factors, especially options, can reverse this situation.

There are four most likely scenarios based on Ether price trends. These estimates assume that put options represent bearish positions, while call options are consistent with bullish-neutral strategies. However, it is important to note that this is a simplification and does not account for more complex investment approaches.

👉Between $2,400 and $2,500: The outcome would favor put options by $225 million.

👉Between $2,500 and $2,600: The outcome would favor put options by $100 million.

👉Between $2,600 and $2,700: The balance shifts, with call options gaining an advantage of about $70 million.

👉Between $2,700 and $2,800: The scenario favors call options, with a net outcome of $220 million in favor of these options.

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