I have been in Binance for more than a year and in that year I learned... that you must have a strategy to be able to add, I learned that #mercado is like a wheel, where sometimes you are down and other times up, I learned that you must be willing not only to risk but also to lose, I learned that you must be cold-minded and above all with decisions, I also learned that in the world #crypto there are many bandits you must be VERY CAREFUL where and how you invest, and we are not people but pseudo companies that make you believe that they are stable and only seek to steal from you.

In resumes invest what you do not need, make an action plan, (do not trust strangers no matter how kind and nice they look, many times they are Fake) measure your risk and above all learn, study and inform yourself.

Personally, I invest in #BTC ppr, which has proven to be the most consistent, and it is important to know how to take advantage of the moments that should be based on your action plan.

The probability of turning #RICO into an investment is extremely unlikely, but it is still probable.

This is my experience, I am not telling you what to do or how to do it, do your own research and make your own decisions and risks.