How many times you've had a nice position,

which turned to take you out at Breakeven?

How many times your original TP was hit, but

you enlarged it and then got a Breakeven?

How many times did you tell yourself:

"Damn, I wish I took profits...?

Well - this all stems from wanting too much,

being greedy and having a flawed mindset.

Why do you trade?

Are you trading to make money?

Or to get big flashy trades?

The Market doesn't care about your analysis

and projected targets.

So when you have profit flowing and it's a

good RR - Try to take partial profits on the way up. This is what i always do. With this you dont only take profit but you also have a position left to capture more upside.

Your win rate will increase and your trading account will grow.

Stack small wins.

You don't need big home runs.

Always Pay Yourself